Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve

Well, I keep writing posts in my head but I never seem to come here and actually post. I keep saying I'll wait for the pictures but right now we have had the sickies invade our house so who knows when I'll get a chance to post pictures. So let's do one day at a time. =)

Well, unfortunately Taylor had a fever on the 23rd and we got a call from preschool saying she was falling asleep and had a fever. So they gave her tylenol and let her sleep. I guess when she woke up, she was fine so they never called me back and Surbjit picked her up at normal time. I don't remember if she had a fever later that night but definitely Christmas Eve morning, she had a fever. Luckily I was already off that day and I was going to spend it with the kids, making cookies for Santa and appetizers and dips for us to enjoy all day. Well, Taylor decided to nap all morning and Connor and Emily played together (quite well I might add! There wasn't much screaming or yelling going on that morning. It was so nice!!!). I ended up taking Taylor to the doctor and she was diagnosed with a bad chest cold. So not much we can do. Went back home and she napped some more.

While she was napping that afternoon, I ran to the grocery store real quick and then Connor and Emily helped me make chocolate chip cookies. Yum yum!! They turned out so good thanks to my little helpers. I think we will do that every year from now on. =) Bigi also joined us and spent the night. The kids later got to watch Polar Express before going to bed and also got to unwrap ONE present each. All three went to bed in their cool new Christmas PJs and we slept until about 5 am the next morning. Thankfully Taylor did ok that night but she still had a fever on Christmas and was NOT into opening presents!!

Stay Tuned for Christmas!

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