Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Mommy/Connor Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the public school Kindergarten registration. Since we are trying to cover all our bases, I took tomorrow off and will take Connor and sign him up. You never know what may happen so we need to make sure we have all our contingencies in place right? So anyway, it's also Pancake Day at preschool. Big dilemna since Connor LOVES going to school in his PJs. So I asked him tonight if he would like to go to Pancake day or go to the donut shop with Mom. What did he choose? The donut shop. =) But we'll see what happens tomorrow when I drop off the girls and if he wants to stay or not. The real interesting part will be Emily. She has been whiney lately so I bet she will not be happy that Connor is leaving with me. We'll see. The good - I don't have to get them dressed since they get to go in PJs!!!

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